META NAME="Forgotten Classics" CONTENT="neglected novels forgotten authors."

forgotten classics

'Reading neglected writers so you don't have to' A Time Out column and a blog for books that seem to be undeservedly forgotten, from John Galsworthy to Rose Macaulay, from Amos Tutuola to DH Lawrence, from W. Somerset Maugham to Fanny Burney. What books do you think we should revive? If you love a writer who has lapsed in popularity please let me know! Are my choices controversial?

Thursday, February 01, 2007

toying with evelyn Waugh (vile bodies) and the poetry of the Bluestocking set (Hannah More, et al) for the next column. the bluestockings are extremely important but I’m not happy with writing about them as a group as it is kind of tokenistic. Waugh is a tart, vicious writer that everyone thinks is cute (generally because of Brideshead).


went to see a play that was lost then reclaimed last week, Noel Coward’s Vortex (starring mr Will Young). really quite shockingly bad as a piece of drama. nice set, though. maybe I’ll do something theatrical for a change – there are loads of fab plays that haven’t been thought about for ages (Fielding’s Grub Street Opera, or Shelley’s The Cenci).




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